Handbook of Emotions, Fourth Edition
Edited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, and Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones
Official Selection, “Outstanding Academic Titles 2017,” Choice (American Library Association)
Recognized as the definitive academic reference on emotion, this handbook brings together leading experts from multiple psychological subdisciplines to examine one of today’s most dynamic areas of research. Coverage encompasses the biological and neuroscientific underpinnings of emotions, as well as developmental, social and personality, cognitive, and clinical perspectives. The volume probes how people understand, experience, express, and perceive affective phenomena and explores connections to behavior and health across the lifespan. Concluding chapters present cutting-edge work on a range of specific emotions. Illustrations include 10 color plates.
Praise for Handbook of Emotions:
“Offering the most comprehensive coverage imaginable, this handbook continues to occupy a unique position in the emotion field. Experts will find it invaluable for keeping current, and novices will find it an appealing and accessible introduction.”
—Susan T. Fiske, PhD, Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology and Professor of Public Affairs, Princeton University“The fourth edition of Handbook of Emotions once again assembles a brilliant set of chapters from the world’s foremost experts on every aspect of emotion. It is easy to see why this accessible and authoritative compendium has become, and still remains, the bible of the field. An essential resource for researchers and students alike.”
—Daniel Gilbert, PhD, Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University“This book appears to be the gold standard in the field based on the distinguished editors and authors and the fact that it continues to be revised as new theories and research occur. All in all, this is a tremendous contribution to psychology and our understanding of human nature. ****!” (on the third edition)
—Doody’s Review Service 2008-09-12“The contributors constitute a Who’s Who of emotion scientists with a judicious mix of established and rising researchers. This is the book on emotions. No library should be without it….Essential. All readers, all levels.” (on the third edition)
—Choice Reviews 2009-03-01“Simply put, it is the best single-volume compendium of the state of the art in emotion research.” (on the first edition)
—Cognition and Emotion 2005-01-01